Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

IN THE MODERN ERA juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency in the modern era has exceeded reasonable limits . And jg Many minors who are familiar Smoking , Drugs , free-sex , and involved many other criminal acts . This fact can no longer diungkuri , you can see the brutality of today's teens . The rising crime rate in Indonesia is not only done by adults , but also among many teenagers . Act of juvenile delinquency is very diverse and varied and more limited when compared to adult criminal activity . Also motivation teenagers often simpler and easier to understand for example : theft committed by a juvenile , just to give a gift to those who liked the intent to make a good impression impressive or admirable .
            As a result , the parents complained that their children 's behavior can not be regulated , even sometimes act against them . Family conflict , mood swings , depression , and the emergence of risky behavior is very common in adolescence than at other times throughout the life span . through electronic media or directly in the environment we see around us as we find many cafe anywhere and from there was the one factor that makes teenagers tend to evolve faster than the internet , such as pornographic websites that can be easily accessed .
This can occur because of factors will support behavior change among adolescents , for example :

lack of parental affection .
lack of parental supervision .
association with friends who are not peers .
 the role of science and technology developments that have a negative impact .
the absence of guidance from the school 's personality .
 fundamentals of religion which are less
 the absence of channeling media talent and hobbies
 Excessive freedom
 unresolved problems
There are several ways that might make the effort to overcome and prevent delinquency among adolescents , Especially for ourselves in order not to fall into it participated , including :

The need for religious education from an early age that routinely useful to strengthen faith in ourselves.
Obeying the advice - the advice that we have received , especially from our parents or from others ( teachers , more experienced people or our friends ) .
Do not be led to try things that you think religion and law and considered one .
Have a concept of right living .
 Develop plans for the future with a life and a good future .

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